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Every school must have a Child protection or Safeguarding Policy. This is reviewed annually and follows National and Local guidance. The aim of this policy is to ensure that our school has effective measures in place to safeguard all children from any potential risks of harm. The safety and wellbeing of our children is always the highest priority for us.
Everyone within our school community will know their responsibilities regarding safeguarding, have the appropriate checks in place to allow them to work in schools, know the key indicators relating to child abuse and know the correct procedures to follow.
Through the work we complete in school we also teach children how to keep themselves safe from harm. The UNCRC Rights of the Child and our curriculum provision ensures that our children know how to stay safe and what to do if they are worried when something isn’t right.
The lead person for responsibility for safeguarding is Kathryn Presdee.
The Deputy Officer is Julia Willis.
Our safeguarding governors are Dr Sarah Neville and Mr Pete Miln
The Lead Officer for Safeguarding in Education for Monmouthshire County Council is:-
Heather Heaney
Phone: 01633 644392
Please read the policy where there are useful links for you to use if needed.